About us

At Techknockouts LLC, we are a fully licensed retailer, striving to bring great tech and gadgets to your life.  We source our products from high quality vendors to bring you the best possible value for your hard earned dollars.  We are based out of the West Coast USA.

We are a bunch of nerds who grew up at a time when the internet did not exist, and we watched it evolve and change the world.  We are fascinated with how technology changes our way of life and forces us to adapt to changes.

Do you remember:

  • Waiting for your favorite song on the radio so you can record it?
  • Being "kind and rewind" when you return your movie rental to a brick and mortar store?
  • Owning map books and stopping to ask for directions?
  • Having a phone, calculator, walk-man, notepad, book, and watch but now a smartphone that fits in your pocket covers all those needs and more. 
  • The internet getting disconnected when someone called your house.
  • 56k Modems being the top tier speed, and 33.6k being the next best.
  • Leaving your computer on all night while you slept to download one song and hoping it completed and was the right file.
  • Software rendered video games before dedicated graphics cards became mainstream.  3DFX Voodoo?  ATI before they were AMD?
  • Video game consoles that were not connected online and did not need updates.  No online multiplayer.  Local multiplayer and sleep overs were all the rage!
  • When Facetime only worked if you were connected to Wifi.
  • When Wifi didn't exist.
  • When 1080P "high definition" first came out.


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